Roger Hunt Exposed

The Argus Leader has a great story about the misinformation used by Roger Hunt and his allies in Pierre. Throughout the debate, supporters of 1217 argued that over $3 million in private donations will be available to fight a bill that they know is unconstitutional and nothing more than a campaign tool.  Supporters cite the success and availablility of the Life Defense Fund created in 2006 for donors to fund the defense of misguided legislation.

To date, donors have only given $12,427.95 and the balance remains under $15,000. It is clear that South Dakota taxpayers will be on the hook for the legal defense of a bill while our state faces a budget shortfall and the Governor is advocating 10% cuts across the board.

Call Governor Daugaard and tell him to veto this legislation. We can’t afford to pay for another campaign issue for Rep. Hunt

Contact the Governor’s office at 605.773.3212.  You may also email him, here.

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