Is Another Abortion Ban on the Horizon in South Dakota?

The opening weeks of the South Dakota legislature were unusually quiet on the reproductive rights front, especially considering this is election year. Anti-choice activists are always looking for ways to prove their credentials and now the silence has broken. We now face multiple pieces of legislation that are damaging to women, families and reproductive rights as a whole.

HCR1005 - which has a hearing tomorrow morning — calls on Congress to immediately grant constitutional rights from the moment of conception. Senate Bill 101 would allow this so called personhood teaching in public schools. These bills, and others, are setting the stage for wider “Personhood” legislation. Make no mistake about it, the nationwide personhood movement is about banning all abortion - in even more rigid and restrictive ways than the 2006 and 2008 abortion bans combined.

Your past support has given us the vital resources needed to stop two abortion bans, stop a bill that would have allowed anti-abortion activists to murder health care providers, and stop legislation intended to ban surrogacy in South Dakota.

Today, we need your help again.  Please donate now and make sure we have the necessary resources to stand up for reproductive choice.

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